jueves, mayo 28, 2009



For all of our readers here´s a small and intimate interview with DJ Mor Avrahami directly form his Tel Aviv studio, enjoy !

First of all thank you Mor for sharing this interview with Us :

1-¿Mor when was the first time you became aware of your many Mexican fans?
First, I want to say ¡hola! to all my Mexican fans! cheers!,The first time that I become aware to my Mexican fans was some time ago, with the time the Mexican people was exposed to my music due to the fact that im signed to Bearlin Records (Mexican Label Record),so that attracts the Mexican crowds to get interested in me. Also, many friends from Mexico told me before that they are addicted to Israelite house music, so I guess it also comes from there.

2- Israelite electronic Music is quite popular in Mexico. ¿ Are there any special features that make Israelite artists so appreciated in a country with a very different culture such as Mexico?
My country has and works music in high levels like I do and I'm very pleased that my country is exporting big names of artists. I wish and hope that it will keep growing more and more. I guess that the special features that makes Israeli artists so appreciated in Mexico is because Israelite electronic music has a lot of power, emotions, harmony, things that make people in Mexico to love this music.
3-¿What was your very first contact with Music? It began when I was very young, a little kid, I learned to play the Piano. With time I increased my sense of hearing, step by step untill the moment that I started my way as a producer, I have always been attracted to the "House" music styles and from there the things started to roll on.

4-¿What are the best and worst things about being a Dj ?
The worst thing to being a Dj is that there is no such a thing as"worst", as I see it today, being a DJ is the best thing in the world . It shows in all my events in every show I can feel the energy and the crowd´s emotions, that satisfies me so much.

5-¿ Sour, sweet, hot or spicy ?
I will be ashamed but I have to say - Sweet :)

6-¿What is your favourite spot to listen to music ?
My favourite spot to listen to music is at Home, in the studio, totally alone with myself... from there I get serene and get a lot of inspiration.

7-We just learned about your new theme " I´m going home". ¿Does it has to do something with your experience at the army?
Yes, at those days I finished my service at the army and the original mix "I'm Going Home" comes to express it.that song talks about the choices that people takes in their lifes and besides all, there is no place like HOME,not matter what happens, people always come back home, ("Back to the place where I belong and where your love has always been enough for me") When seeing that you´re in other place and really missing and craving to that home. ("Be careful what you wish for, 'Cause you just might get it all").
8-¿As a Dj what is the most complicated aspect of taking care of a crowd?
The most complicated aspect of taking care to the crowd was revealed to me when I started my shows as a Dj,I always asked myself ¿ how I'm going to make them satisfied? , and today I got the answer:“Relax, let the music do her own :) “

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